$5 a Day
Country: USA
Year: 2008
Language: English
Runtime: 90 minutes
Format: Colour/35mm
Rating: PG
Production Company: Capitol Films/Baum/Goldenring Productions
Executive Producer: David Bergstein
Producer: Kia Jam, Carol Baum, Jane Goldenring
Screenplay: Neal Dobrofsky, Tippi Dobrofsky
Production Designer: Bryce Perrin
Cinematographer: Peter Donahue
Editor: Susan Littenberg
Sound: Samuel Lehman, Patrick O'Sullivan
Music: Alex Wurman
Principal Cast: Christopher Walken, Alessandro Nivola, Sharon Stone, Amanda Peet, Dean Cain
US Distributor: ThinkFilm
International Sales Agent: ThinkFilm
There are 3 public screenings for "$5 A Day" (2 have already passed):
Sunday September 07 09:30AM AMC 7
Friday September 12 12:00PM SCOTIABANK THEATRE 1
In one of the most charming and heartfelt performances of his career, Christopher Walken plays a free-spirited hustler named Nat who claims that he can live on just five dollars a day. His rundown apartment is a veritable warehouse of freebies, coupons and contest prizes; his ride is a bubblegum pink and white Sweet'N Low car that he won free use of for one year. But none of this bounty has helped Nat repair his fractured relationship with his son Flynn (Alessandro Nivola), who has not spoken to him in years. After all, Flynn once went to jail for one of Nat's failed schemes. Read more.
In addition to that...
Variety.com reports that Image Entertainment has acquired U.S. rights to helmer Nigel Cole's '5 Dollars a Day' from Capitol Films.
Pic stars Sharon Stone, Amanda Peet, Christopher Walken, Dean Cain, Allesandro Nivola and Peter Coyote.
Pic is a father-son road trip caper with Nivola playing the conservative son of a conman, played by Walken, who reluctantly joins his father on the road after he is released from jail.
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