The idea that Superman's birthday is February 29 initially began as a lark. DC editors explained tongue in cheek in comic book letter columns that Superman remained eternally youthful because he was born on Leap Day, February 29, which occurs only once every four years.
When DC celebrated Superman's 50th anniversary in 1988, they treated February 29 as the Man of Steel's birth date. Even a "TIME" magazine cover-story (March 14, 1988 cover dated magazine) commemorating the 50th anniversary (with a cover by John Byrne) declared for all of America that Superman's birthday is February 29. Read full article here.
You can also read Celebrities Wish Superman a Happy Birthday! Greetings compiled by Steve Younis & Barry Freiman (of Superman Homepage) which included Noell Neill (Lois Lane of Adventures of Superman), K Kallan (Martha Kent of Lois & Clark), John Newton (Clark Kent/Superboy of Superboy Series), and one of Smallville's exective producers' Al Gough to name some.
Happy [7oth] Birthday Clark Kent/Superman!!!!
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