and our favorite TV "ship" (couple): Lois & Clark (Smallville) is one of the 20 on their list of ships/couples for fans/BuddyTV users to choose from or vote for, for the Best Relationship of 2008.
Click here to vote for Clark & Lois (Smallville). Currently, Clois have over 1890 votes (and is #6 on their leaderboard results). So, SV/Clois fans, show your love and support for Clois and vote for them to win the best ship of '08.
Thanks a lot to Kim Wetter, (BuddyTV Staff Columnist) over at BuddyTV.com for the heads up.
***Update 1/4/08***
Currently (as of this posting...), Clois has over 3225 votes (and moves up to #4). Thanks to all of you who voted. Keep voting everyone!
Also...there's another Showdown Poll @ BuddyTV!
Vote for Clois for Best Smallville Couple! (Clois is currently @ #1! Keep Voting!)
***Update 1/6/08***
As of this posting, Clois has now over 4516 votes (and moves up as spot to #3...getting closer to #2). Thanks to everyone who have been voting. Keep voting everyone! We're getting closer to the top spot!
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